Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Womp Womp Womp

If you are wondering, that is the sound of our baby's HEARTBEAT!!! Today we went for our 12-week appointment, even though we are 13 weeks along. Since our insurance only covers 1 sonogram per pregnancy (at 20 weeks), we haven't been able to see a picture of our little friend just yet....Fortunately, it isn't medically necessary and I'm not a high-risk for us to have it done more than once right now. But, it has made me seriously question if I am, in fact, pregnant or just getting fat ;) However, at our check-up today, our Dr. busted out a wand, put some jelly-like stuff on my belly, and suddenly it sounded like we were underwater listening to some serious "womping." Pretty much confirms that there IS something in there, and that lil something comes with a strong beating heart!

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