Monday, August 30, 2010

Sonogram Scheduled

The 20 week sonogram has been scheduled! September 20th, here we come. Not to belittle the routine heartbeat check....I nearly had a heart attack when it took my Dr. a couple of seconds to locate the womp-womp-womp....but, we are so excited to actually see our Lil Sherman on that black-and-white screen! I'm not sure if I'm ready for the newest "3-D" friend said her baby literally looked exactly like that picture when he was born. I find it only slightly creepy to have that much of a visual in utero. However, I still feel like the pregnancy will be validated by a picture. It simply will prove there is a little human in there. Not lunch. Not gas. Not alien. To my mother's horror, we plan on finding out the sex. It's not that I don't think the element of surprise is a beautiful thing to couple with childbirth...but, we're both first-borns. We like knowing things. I always know things (He sometimes knows things). Why then, would we not find out what is growing inside of me if we can? So, in approximately 4 weeks, we'll know if a lil Sherman or lil Shermaine will walk amongst us. Scary thought! On second thought, perhaps ignorance is bliss...

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