Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Extra, Extra!

3 months down, 6 to go! Which means, the first trimester is over! I must say, it has been delightful and I haven't "felt" pregnant, with the exception of some sleepiness, really at all :) And, since we successfully cleared that milestone, we were thrilled to be able to share the news with our friends!!! If we were excited before, then we are REALLY excited now! All of the positive reactions have been fantastic and this whole "going-to-become-parents" thing is starting to sink in. We had a busy couple of days telling all of our friends the news before posting an update on facebook. To my delight, after making the announcement, I found out that 2 of my friends from growing up are also pregnant....and due in February too!! Must have been something in that May water down the shore ;) I'm very excited to have someone to chat with about anything and everything pregnancy who is also very excited about anything and everything pregnancy too...not that the hubby isn't, but I have a feeling some of those conversations will be tough once fantasy football season begins. At least this year, I'll have my own fantasy season in the newly formed "mommy-to-be" league. I'll trade you sushi cravings, prenatal yoga, and a belly-band for a glass of wine, a backrub, and skinny jeans ;) :)

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