Wednesday, September 15, 2010

First Flutterings!

The fact that I have had basically no "pregnancy symptoms" has certainly made me feel eerily not-pregnant. So, we were ecstatic when we felt the baby's first flutterings! Actually, there was nothing fluttery about them...they were straight up pokes! In fact, one evening, we were looking at my belly and all of a sudden we saw a serious lil pop! It is a strange feeling, like someone is literally poking you from inside, being like "hello! hello! i'm here! hello!" I try to focus on the "beautiful miracle of life" portion of being pregnant....and I seriously get a giddy every time I feel a little movement in there....but, sometimes I can't help but think how creepy it is that a little person is just chilling out in my tummy. An alien invader of the cutest kind :)

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