Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Two Pink Lines…

Memorial Day Weekend 2010 was filled with a lot of great things: family, friends, sunshine, margaritas, barbeques, books, and beaches…There was one thing missing, however. Something that I didn’t really take note of except to happily wear my bathing suit without needing protection: my period. Since my period has always been a bit irregular, I chalked it up to the fact I had been super diligent in getting my body ready for summer bikini season.

But, when “it” hadn’t arrived by Tuesday, almost a week late, I figured I should probably take a pregnancy test “just to be sure.” Well, sure enough, those two pink links appeared, almost immediately, as if there was no doubt about it. Still, not sure if I was the .01% that gets a false reading after a missed period, I made a next-day appointment with my primary care physician who, upon entering the office, simply said “you are.”

So, that being settled, time to tell the hubby……

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