Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Some "Reactions"

A few pictures of our family members captured. What is going through their minds? Allow me to provide the photo analysis:

Great Aunt B: I SAID, do I LOOK like a "graunt" to you?!

Grandma S: Concentrating for the next 9 months is going to be so easy...

Grandpa S: If I can pop this bottle without it exploding, changing diapers will be a piece of cake.

Auntie S: Bret is going to be a dad??! BARF ;)

Auntie B: YES! I'm great with kids (as long as they aren't mine)

Auntie B: You were supposed to attend my 21st birthday party.

Uncle B: I smell dirty diapers already.

Lil T: What's going to happen to me?!

Grandpa B: But I am too young, too sexy, too strapping to be a grandpa-pah! (I envision this being spoken with a French Accent)

Grandma B: I TOLD YOU TO WAAAIT! We just got rid of a dog...

I said you could MARRY her...nothing about this funny business.

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