Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Some "Reactions"

A few pictures of our family members captured. What is going through their minds? Allow me to provide the photo analysis:

Great Aunt B: I SAID, do I LOOK like a "graunt" to you?!

Grandma S: Concentrating for the next 9 months is going to be so easy...

Grandpa S: If I can pop this bottle without it exploding, changing diapers will be a piece of cake.

Auntie S: Bret is going to be a dad??! BARF ;)

Auntie B: YES! I'm great with kids (as long as they aren't mine)

Auntie B: You were supposed to attend my 21st birthday party.

Uncle B: I smell dirty diapers already.

Lil T: What's going to happen to me?!

Grandpa B: But I am too young, too sexy, too strapping to be a grandpa-pah! (I envision this being spoken with a French Accent)

Grandma B: I TOLD YOU TO WAAAIT! We just got rid of a dog...

I said you could MARRY her...nothing about this funny business.

Welcome, Family!

This past weekend we spilled the beans...about the bean. To the family. So, now that you all know about this blog- hello!

the risks associated with the first trimester, we just couldn't keep the secret from our closer-than-normal familial relations. The "So, how are you guys?" "Oh, we're good. Absolutely nothing new, nothing new or exciting to report down here in DC!" conversation only lasted for the first few days before we were itching to reveal the secret in some clever manner.

Enter Father's Day. Or, as we gleefully announced to the various men, don't you mean Grandfather's Day (Dads) and Great-Grandfather's Day (Pop Pop)? Always a good time watching reactions to unexpected, but happy, news :)

Belly Shot- Before.

So, before I blow-up like a blimp, and, more importantly, to provide the basis of comparison for the next 9 months, here is the infamous first belly shot:

And now, sideways (she's totally sucking in):

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Us, Now.

Just a few recent snap-shots of us, now. You know, to remember...

Celebrating our 2-year wedding anniversary.


At the Penn State/Ohio State Football Game.


Kicking-off Eagles Opening Day at the Linc.


Playing in Cancun, Mexico.


Catching the Jersey Boys at the National Theatre.


Celebrating my 27th Birthday in NYC.


At the Twins/Yanks Game at Yankee Stadium.


Daddy Like!

Doesn't he just look so excited! (or is that a look of terror?!) Either way, I ambushed him as he was having his morning shave to present him with "the test." Took him a few seconds to realize a) what he was looking at and b) what it meant.
After showing him this picture, he assured me that this is a look of excitement and he is saying "Hooray for Little Shermans!!!" :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Two Pink Lines…

Memorial Day Weekend 2010 was filled with a lot of great things: family, friends, sunshine, margaritas, barbeques, books, and beaches…There was one thing missing, however. Something that I didn’t really take note of except to happily wear my bathing suit without needing protection: my period. Since my period has always been a bit irregular, I chalked it up to the fact I had been super diligent in getting my body ready for summer bikini season.

But, when “it” hadn’t arrived by Tuesday, almost a week late, I figured I should probably take a pregnancy test “just to be sure.” Well, sure enough, those two pink links appeared, almost immediately, as if there was no doubt about it. Still, not sure if I was the .01% that gets a false reading after a missed period, I made a next-day appointment with my primary care physician who, upon entering the office, simply said “you are.”

So, that being settled, time to tell the hubby……