Sunday, December 19, 2010

Countdown Cutdown.

The fact that I am planning on having a C-section means it needs to be scheduled. It also means that it gets scheduled a week before the due date. Which means, that it chops one whole week off of that 40 week countdown. I'm technically "due" on Feb 3, but my doc only does her craft on Wednesdays. So, while we thought we had all of January to hang-out before the Little Sherman arrives, turns out Jan 26th at 7:30 am will be the big debut.

Yes, I'm choosing C-section. The chief reason being I'm not very interested in child birth. I'm fine with being preg, fine with raising a little human. But, the thought of birthing said little human sort of makes me physically ill. I also have some back issues that, in my mind, can count as some sort of medical contingency factor in the decision. Mostly though, it's the birth thing.

I'm not going to lie, it is kind of weird scheduling it, like you take away the whole natural/surprise/waiting aspect of "going into labor" so it sort of is like an item on a list. When I think about it, I start to waiver... and then I think about giving birth and start to get idk. For now, it's scheduled :P

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