Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"Preg" Moment

I haven't had any "pregnancy brain" related incidents so far, so I got a big kick out of what happened last night. I was helping my husband fix our sectional-it kept coming apart and needed a little securing. And... I totally forgot I was pregnant, went to lie down on my stomach so I could see the back legs of the sofa and was like "oof, um, cant do that" when I realized I wasn't lying flat on the ground! Whoops :P

Belly Shot- 31 Weeks!

So, Thanksgiving has come and gone. In case you were wondering, no...I am not hoarding a leftover turkey under my shirt. That's the lil Sherman, all 3+ lbs of him.

Belly Shot- 30 Weeks!

I cannot believe there's only 10 weeks left until the "due date." In those 10 weeks, we will celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years....so basically, 10 weeks is going to fly by and it is really going to feel like no weeks. Here's hoping the lil Sherman stays put until after the Holidays so we can mentally prepare for a few more days!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Nursery- Sneak Peak!

The conversion of the guest room/office still has a ways to go...but, at the shower this weekend, my sister gave us the bedding! So, of course, we had to set it up immediately! Little monkeys for the little Sherman :)

Belly Shot- 29 Weeks!

What is going on at 29 weeks? Just a 3 pound baby boy taking over my body!

Baby Showerette!!!

This weekend, my sister threw me a kick-ass "kids only" baby showerette party. The theme was blue, obviously. But the sub-theme was apparently "just because you can't drink doesn't mean WE can't!" Being the first of my friends to become pregnant, I am a bit outnumbered. 11 bottles of champagne (for Blue-Mosas!) and a case of Goodnight Blue Moon Beer later, the girls headed out and the presents made their way up to the nursery.

I have the most beautiful hostesses :)
Daddy-to-be Makes an Appearance!

Belly Shot- 7 Months!

Last and final trimester, start! Holy heck, where did the time go? I almost can't comprehend the fact that all this stuff is leading up to the birth of actual little human for whom I'll be responsible. It is still feels like simply a weird looking belly and some funny unexpected poking. But, we're starting to do some real prepping like organizing, getting supplies, and preregistering at the hospital. At this point, you never know what things will start happening.

Belly Shot- 28 Weeks!

Hello viability! If born early at 28 weeks, babies have very excellent chances of surviving... from this point on we're just fine tuning things over here. I've clearly fine-tuned the plate-to-mouth maneuvers ;)

Belly Shot- 27 Weeks!

27 weeks down...and the belly is huge! I still feel great, but it is tough moving around with this thing! Socks, shoes, and rolling over present new challenges but downward dog and pigeon pose I still got ;)

Surprise Baby Shower

The college girls all got together for a wedding in NYC...and apparently, a surprise baby shower for me! As I might have mentioned in this blog before, being the first-born, I like to "know" things. As such, I have never ever been surprised about something before...until now! It was so much fun to be totally thrown off (we were supposed to be going to brunch before a football Sunday). It is crazy to think about how much changes between "reunions" with the college girls...and how much stays the same. What an amazing day :)

With the lovely hostess!

The Girls...and a lil Sherman :)