To date, I think this photo was taken on the day that I've looked the largest. It could be the angle, or the light. It's not my best side. It was after dinner and I was tired so my posture is a bit off. Or, it could be the fact that I'm 18 weeks pregnant ;) Whatever it may be, someone is starting to pop!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Weekly Countdown Begins:
The weekly "progress" is now noticeable. It is amazing to see the subtle changes become not so subtle. Of course, I noticed "change" the second the pregnancy test came back positive. But now, when prompted, other people are also able to notice the difference in my belly. Pretty soon there will be a legit baby bump!

Sonogram Scheduled
The 20 week sonogram has been scheduled! September 20th, here we come. Not to belittle the routine heartbeat check....I nearly had a heart attack when it took my Dr. a couple of seconds to locate the womp-womp-womp....but, we are so excited to actually see our Lil Sherman on that black-and-white screen! I'm not sure if I'm ready for the newest "3-D" friend said her baby literally looked exactly like that picture when he was born. I find it only slightly creepy to have that much of a visual in utero. However, I still feel like the pregnancy will be validated by a picture. It simply will prove there is a little human in there. Not lunch. Not gas. Not alien. To my mother's horror, we plan on finding out the sex. It's not that I don't think the element of surprise is a beautiful thing to couple with childbirth...but, we're both first-borns. We like knowing things. I always know things (He sometimes knows things). Why then, would we not find out what is growing inside of me if we can? So, in approximately 4 weeks, we'll know if a lil Sherman or lil Shermaine will walk amongst us. Scary thought! On second thought, perhaps ignorance is bliss...
Belly Shot-4 Months
One of my favorite quotations is Ecclesiastes 3:1-- “To everything there is a season." And, while I'm quite confident God did not mean for his Divine word to be interpreted as such....despite the fact it is still summer, the sun has set on the days of a flat belly. The "feminine rounding" of my midsection continues as I enter the 4th month of pregnancy. I'm actually still "hardly showing," which I hope means I'm on track to maintain a healthy weight throughout the rest of my pregnancy. Still, I know I'll eat these words along with everything else in sight 4 months from now when I say I can't wait to have a belly! As you can see below, it looks like I might have eaten a large lunch....not that I'm actually carrying a child.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Extra, Extra!
3 months down, 6 to go! Which means, the first trimester is over! I must say, it has been delightful and I haven't "felt" pregnant, with the exception of some sleepiness, really at all :) And, since we successfully cleared that milestone, we were thrilled to be able to share the news with our friends!!! If we were excited before, then we are REALLY excited now! All of the positive reactions have been fantastic and this whole "going-to-become-parents" thing is starting to sink in. We had a busy couple of days telling all of our friends the news before posting an update on facebook. To my delight, after making the announcement, I found out that 2 of my friends from growing up are also pregnant....and due in February too!! Must have been something in that May water down the shore ;) I'm very excited to have someone to chat with about anything and everything pregnancy who is also very excited about anything and everything pregnancy too...not that the hubby isn't, but I have a feeling some of those conversations will be tough once fantasy football season begins. At least this year, I'll have my own fantasy season in the newly formed "mommy-to-be" league. I'll trade you sushi cravings, prenatal yoga, and a belly-band for a glass of wine, a backrub, and skinny jeans ;) :)
Womp Womp Womp
If you are wondering, that is the sound of our baby's HEARTBEAT!!! Today we went for our 12-week appointment, even though we are 13 weeks along. Since our insurance only covers 1 sonogram per pregnancy (at 20 weeks), we haven't been able to see a picture of our little friend just yet....Fortunately, it isn't medically necessary and I'm not a high-risk for us to have it done more than once right now. But, it has made me seriously question if I am, in fact, pregnant or just getting fat ;) However, at our check-up today, our Dr. busted out a wand, put some jelly-like stuff on my belly, and suddenly it sounded like we were underwater listening to some serious "womping." Pretty much confirms that there IS something in there, and that lil something comes with a strong beating heart!
Belly Shot- 3 Months
As you can see, the abdominal region is not quite as defined as before. Looks like I had a pretty big lunch today. I've heard that the "monthly shots" from this point on don't tell the whole story, so starting next month, once I begin to pop, we'll give you a weekly visual. But for now, still able to keep the belly/pregnancy under wraps at work!

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